About Me

Welcome to the Appalachian Gardener!

This site was created to help aspiring gardeners to be able to implement more sustainable agricultural practices, ultimately leading to a more self-sufficient lifestyle. The process of growing and preserving your own food can seem very daunting at times. However, I’ve been pursuing the love of gardening my entire life, and my mission is to assist YOU in starting a garden that provides you with the freedom and resources to pursue your own passions as well.

My name is Courtney, and gardening has been a significant part of my life for as long as I can remember. Growing up in Appalachian culture, I was instilled with the principles of self-sufficiency, resilience, and working with nature to cultivate a life filled with independence and freedom. Gardening embodies all these values and aspirations. On the Appalachian Gardener platform, I will share my insights and tips to help you achieve success in your gardening journey.

Why Should You Have Your Own Garden?

We all have our reasons for starting a garden, and here are a few to consider:

  • Food security: You can grow your own food and learn how to preserve it for much longer so you have a reliable food source.
  • Health benefits: Gardening is proven to be both healthy for the body and mind due to being outside and giving you physical activity. In addition, you know exactly where your food is grown, what is put on it, and around it.
  • Financial savings: With inflation, growing your own food is a good way to save some money. .
  • Environmental Impact: Harvesting your own food reduces your carbon footprint by lessening your impact on transportation and packaged goods.
  • Satisfaction: There is a sense of accomplishment and pride in learning how to grow and tend to plants that then provide for you and your family.
  • Creativity and learning: Gardening is never dull. Things change especially with the weather. You have to learn how to adapt and change and try new things.
  • Self-Sufficiency: Growing and preserving your own food gives you a sense of more self-reliance and a peace of mind that you can take care of yourself and your family.

Maybe you have one of the reasons above to start gardening, or maybe your reason isn’t listen, but I’m here to help you in any way I can.

My Mission

To help you become the gardener you’ve always dreamed of!

Contact Me

Thank you for stopping by the Appalachian Gardener! If you are interested in working with me, have a question, or just want to say hey, please check out this page.

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